Whether your furnace is old or new, it needs annual maintenance from a licensed professional. All furnace manufacturers recommend yearly inspection and tune-up services, and all manufacturer warranties require it. Having your furnace professionally assessed, cleaned, and adjusted will enhance its efficiency, ensure reliable operation, and limit your winter heating costs. The following is everything you need to know about setting an annual furnace maintenance schedule, including why it’s so important.

Preserve Your Warranty Protections With Annual Furnace Maintenance

All warranties and insurance policies are mutually binding agreements. Just as warranty issuers and insurance companies promise to cover damages caused by factors like faulty assembly, defective workmanship, or covered perils, consumers agree to take measures that limit the likelihood of claims events. One of the many requirements outlined in the warranties and policies that protect HVAC equipment is that this equipment be professionally serviced at least once each year.

Failure to adhere to this requirement could result in the outright voidance of your furnace manufacturer’s warranty. It could also lead to claim denials or delays as well as problems with all relevant coverage from your home service agreement and home insurance plan.

Boost Your Indoor Air Quality

Throughout the year, you should check and change your furnace filter monthly and replace it every 30 to 60 days. You can also wipe down air registers and vents throughout the building, but there’s little else that you can do to keep your heater clean. During furnace maintenance service, we clean this equipment both inside and out. This removes trapped and stuck-on debris and reduces the volume of particulates being circulated throughout the indoor air.

Limit the Likelihood of Mid-Season Repairs

The best way to avoid mid-winter heating emergencies is by keeping your furnace tuned up. During pre-winter furnace tune-up service, HVAC technicians replace damaged and worn parts, calibrate the thermostat, inspect furnace venting systems, and more. If developing problems are found, they’re resolved early on, before they’ve spiraled out of control.

Our clients can count on us for superior heating and cooling system installation, maintenance, and repairs. With more than 15 years of experience, we also offer first-rate duct cleaning, indoor air quality services, and ductless mini-splits. To schedule a furnace tune-up in Oakdale, CA, give us a call at Airvengers, LLC today.

Meet the Author
Airvengers Team
Airvengers Team

Airvengers LLC has over 15 years of serving the Central Valley and surrounding areas. We are a small, family-owned business looking to serve the local community with any of your indoor, heating, and air conditioning needs.
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